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About Kyrie

Just who is this Kyrie and why is she here?

My name is Kyrie and I am trying to figure out who I am and what I want. As I approach the age of 50 (eek) I realize that while raising my kids and being a housewife (mostly), I lost myself. I did not take the time to understand who I was and what I wanted. 


When my last child moved out, I got very sick. After months and months of doctors visits and tests, it became evident that I had to take my health into my own hands. 


I am a Reiki Practitioner (level One and Two) and I firmly believe that our health lies in a balance of the mind, body, and spirit.




I think life is too short to just do one thing all the time. There are so many different areas of life in which I am interested in learning more about. 



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